Saturday, June 2, 2018

"Trump Manages to Make Memorial Day & Everything All About Him!" "AGAIN!!!"

-Donald Trump manages to make Memorial Day all about himself! What a Narcissistic Ass!

 This is part of Donald trumps Mental Illness:

Narcissistic Personality Disorder-

Individuals with this disorder exhibit a lack of ability to empathize with others and an inflated sense of self-importance.


The hallmarks of Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD) are grandiosity, a lack of empathy for other people, and a need for admiration. People with this condition are frequently described as arrogant, self-centered, manipulative, and demanding. They may also concentrate on grandiose fantasies (e.g. their own success, beauty, brilliance) and may be convinced that they deserve special treatment. These characteristics typically begin in early adulthood and must be consistently evident in multiple contexts, such as at work and in relationships.

 People with narcissistic personality disorder believe they are superior or special, and often try to associate with other people they believe are unique or gifted in some way. This association enhances their self-esteem, which is typically quite fragile underneath the surface. Individuals with NPD seek excessive admiration and attention in order to know that others think highly of them. Individuals with narcissistic personality disorder have difficulty tolerating criticism or defeat and may be left feeling humiliated or empty when they experience an "injury" in the form of criticism or rejection.

 Related Personality Disorders: Antisocial, Borderline, Histrionic, Paranoid.


- A narcissistic personality disorder is indicated by five or more of the following symptoms:

- Exaggerates own importance

- Is preoccupied with fantasies of success, power, beauty, intelligence or ideal romance

- Believes he or she is special and can only be understood by other special people or institutions

- Requires constant attention and admiration from others

- Has unreasonable expectations of favorable treatment

- Takes advantage of others to reach his or her own goals

- Disregards the feelings of others, lacks empathy

- Is often envious of others or believes other people are envious of him or her

- Shows arrogant behaviors and attitudes

- 50% to 75% of the people diagnosed with narcissistic personality disorder are male. Additionally, it is common for many adolescents to display the characteristics listed above; this does not indicate that they will later develop a narcissistic personality disorder.


Causes of narcissistic personality disorder are not yet well-understood. Genetic and biological factors, as well as the environment and early life experiences, are all thought to play a role in the development of this condition.


Treatment for narcissistic personality disorder can be challenging because of people with this condition present with a great deal of grandiosity and defensiveness, which makes it difficult for them to acknowledge problems and vulnerabilities. Individual and group psychotherapy may be useful in helping people with narcissistic personality disorder relate to others in a healthier and more compassionate way.

Mentalization-based therapy, transference-focused psychotherapy, and schema-focused psychotherapy have all been suggested as effective ways of treating narcissistic personality disorder.

Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Want to get ahead in business? It helps if you are a psychopath. No, really.

Want to get ahead in business? It helps if you are a psychopath. No, really. Look at our Mentally Ill President Donald Trump, he's a perfect example.

Friday, April 28, 2017

'Worlds Apart' by Heineken! | #OpenYourWorld

Published on Apr 20, 2017 - 

Heineken presents: ‘Worlds Apart’ An Experiment

Can two strangers with opposing views prove that there’s more that unites than divides us?

#OpenYourWorld - Find out more about the campaign, and sign up to one of our new Human Library events where you can share a beer with someone unexpected at

Friday, January 27, 2017

“Donald Trump, a President Who could be Seriously Mentally Ill with Narcissistic Personality Disorder - Cluster-B!”

For mental-health professionals, Donald Trump is at once easily diagnosed but slightly confounding. “Remarkably narcissistic,” said developmental psychologist Howard Gardner, a professor at Harvard Graduate School of Education. “Textbook narcissistic personality disorder,” echoed clinical psychologist Ben Michaelis. “He’s so classic that I’m archiving video clips of him to use in workshops because there’s no better example of his characteristics,” said clinical psychologist George Simon, who conducts lectures and seminars on manipulative behavior. “Otherwise, I would have had to hire actors and write vignettes. He’s like a dream come true.”
That mental-health professionals are even willing to talk about Trump in the first place may attest to their deep concern about a Trump as our President. As Dr. Robert Klitzman, a professor of psychiatry and the director of the master’s of bioethics program at Columbia University, pointed out, the American Psychiatric Association declares it unethical for psychiatrists to comment on an individual’s mental state without examining him personally and having the patient’s consent to make such comments. This so-called Goldwater rule arose after the publication of a 1964 Fact magazine article in which psychiatrists were polled about Senator Barry Goldwater’s fitness to be president. Senator Goldwater brought a $2 million suit against the magazine and its publisher; the Supreme Court awarded him $1 in compensatory damages and $75,000 in punitive damages.
The cold water rule is no longer used because back in the day of cold water, a lot of the psychiatric evaluation that was done was in the Freudian school of psychiatry. Today. It is done more in the analytical and cognitive and behavioral School of psychiatry were observation of one's behavior is more important than Freudian dreams and based on just sex and sexual dreams and activities. Trump has a giant book, fool of activities and behaviors that are observable so we can make really clear observations of who and what he is... Full Stop!
But you don’t need to have met Donald Trump to feel like you know him; even the smallest exposure can make you feel like you’ve just crossed a large body of water in a small boat with him. Indeed, though narcissistic personality disorder was removed from the most recent issue of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, for somewhat arcane reasons, the traits that have defined the disorder in the past—grandiosity; an expectation that others will recognize one’s superiority; a lack of empathy—are writ large in Mr. Trump’s behavior.
“He’s very easy to diagnose,” said psychotherapist Charlotte Prozan. “In the first debate, he talked over people and was domineering. He’ll do anything to demean others, like tell Carly Fiorina he doesn’t like her looks. ‘You’re fired!’ would certainly come under lack of empathy. And he wants to deport immigrants, but [two of] his wives have been immigrants.” Michaelis took a slightly different twist on Trump’s desire to deport immigrants: “This man is known for his golf courses, but, with due respect, who does he think works on these golf courses?”
Mr. Trump’s bullying nature—taunting Senator John McCain for being captured in Vietnam, or saying Jeb Bush has “low energy”—is in keeping with the narcissistic profile. “In the field we use clusters of personality disorders,” Michaelis said. “Narcissism is in cluster B, which means it has similarities with histrionic personality disorder, borderline personality disorder, and antisocial personality disorder. There are similarities between them. Regardless of how you feel about John McCain, the man served—and suffered. Narcissism is an extreme defense against one’s own feelings of worthlessness. To degrade people is really part of a cluster-B personality disorder: it’s antisocial and shows a lack of remorse for other people. The way to make it O.K. to attack someone verbally, psychologically, or physically is to lower them. That’s what he’s doing.”
What of Trump’s tendency to position himself as a possible savior to the economy despite the fact that four of his companies have declared bankruptcy? “It’s mind-boggling to me that that’s not the story,” said Michaelis. “This man has been given more than anyone could ever hope for,” he added, referring to the fact that Trump is not wholly self-made, “yet he’s failed miserably time and time again.” Licensed clinical social worker Wendy Terrie Behary, the author of Disarming the Narcissist: Surviving and Thriving with the Self-Absorbed, said, “Narcissists are not necessarily liars, but they are notoriously uncomfortable with the truth. The truth means the potential to feel ashamed. If all they have to show the world as a source of feeling acceptable is their success and performance, be it in business or sports or celebrity, then the risk of people seeing them fail or squander their success is so difficult to their self-esteem that they feel ashamed. We call it the narcissistic injury. They’re uncomfortable with their own limitations. It’s not that they’re cut out to lie, it’s just that they can’t handle what’s real.”
Indeed, the need to protect or exalt the self is at odds with the job requirements of a president. Michaelis said, “He’s applying for the greatest job in the land, the greatest task of which is to serve, but there’s nothing about the man that is service-oriented. He’s only serving himself.” As Prozan sees it, “He keeps saying he could negotiate with Putin because he’s good at deals. But diplomacy involves a back and forth between equals.” Dr. Klitzman added, “I have never met Donald Trump and so cannot comment on his psychological state. However, I think that, in general, many candidates who run for president are driven in large part by ego. I hope that does not preclude their motivation to govern with the best interests of the public as a whole in mind. Yet for some candidates, that may, alas, be a threat.”
Asked what, if Mr. Trump were their patient, they would “work on” with him, several of the therapists laughed. “I’d be shocked if he walked in my door,” said Behary. “Most narcissists don’t seek treatment unless there’s someone threatening to take something away from them. There’d have to be some kind of meaningful consequence for him to come in.” Simon concurred but added, “There is help available, but it doesn’t look like the help people are used to. It’s not insight-oriented psychotherapy, because narcissists already have insight. They’re aware; the problem is, they don’t care. They know how you’d like them to act; the problem is, they’ve got a different set of rules. The kind of approach that can have some impact is confrontational. It confronts distorted thinking and behavior patterns in the here-and-now moment when the narcissists are doing their thing in the session. It’s confronted on the spot; you invite them to do something different, then you reinforce them for doing so.”
But for at least one mental-health professional, the Trump enigma, or should we say non-enigma, is larger than the bluster of the man whose own Web site calls him “the very definition of the American success story, continually setting the standards of excellence”—to this mind-set, Trump may be a kind of bellwether. Mr. Gardner said, “For me, the compelling question is the psychological state of his supporters. They are unable or unwilling to make a connection between the challenges faced by any president and the knowledge and behavior of Donald Trump. In a democracy, that is disastrous.”
BY: Henry Alford & William D. Harasym

Saturday, September 10, 2016

"War on Cops? Stats show American Police are Safer than they have ever Been, But...the 'FEAR' Remains STRONG!"

On Aug. 18, a 29-year-old man named Daniel K. Harris was shot and killed by a North Carolina state trooper near Charlotte. Harris, who was unarmed, was also deaf.
The shooting, which is currently under investigation, is the kind of case that often sparks protests across the nation. Yet the public response has been relatively muted. Could it be that in the wake of the tragedies in Baton Rouge and Dallas this summer—ambushes in which a total of eight police officers were murdered—journalists and activists are beginning to look at policing differently? Despite a wealth of statistics showing that attacks on police have been steadily decreasing for decades, maybe police are right to be so scared all the time.

There are valid concerns about police safety. But the facts show that there is no national war on cops. That’s hard for me to say—mostly because I’m a cop.
A report commissioned in July by the National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial Fund found that firearms-related homicides of police officers are up as compared to the same period last year. According to the FBI, of the 41 police officers feloniously murdered in 2015, seven were killed in ambushes or unprovoked attacks. In the first half of 2016, with already 14 already tallied, ambush murders have also spiked as compared to last year.
And yet these numbers don’t tell the full story.
In fact, police officers are safer today then they have ever been. And while ambushes like the ones in Texas and in Louisiana contribute to a large percentage of total police deaths this year, they remain rare. Police officer deaths overall have been declining since the mid-1970s. When it comes to the most dangerous jobs in America, law enforcers barely ever crack the Top Ten.

The facts show that there is no national war on cops. That’s hard for me to say—mostly because I’m a cop.
Yet everywhere I turn, someone is telling me that I’m being targeted for my uniform, that an attack on my brothers and sisters in blue is an attack on the close to half a million full-time sworn police officers in the US. After being inundated with the message that anyone, anywhere, and at any time might ambush me (and that these sorts of attacks are on the rise), is it any surprise that I or other police officers might be fearful on the job? Fear is an emotion. It’s primal and instinctual.
It doesn’t have to be logical or rational. And throughout their careers, police are exposed to all kinds of worse-case scenarios. American police training is a complex venture. In a time-compressed format, the police training takes Joe Citizen and turns him into Joe Cop. His trainers debrief incidents when officers are injured or killed. Joe watches countless dash-cam videos of police officers being murdered in front of their patrol cars. He learns to be skeptical of everyone. Joe participates in scenario drills in which old ladies and young kids ambush him. He is taught to expect the worst
possible outcome—and take precautions in order to prevent becoming another statistic himself.
He will also be trained to shoot to kill, instead of to wound or incapacitate. “Even if an officer shoots [someone] with a lethal firearm, it may not stop a person,” David Klinger, a professor of criminology and criminal justice at the University of Missouri-St. Louis, told ABC News recently. “When there is a threat to life right now, or serious bodily injury, deadly force is the appropriate response.”
Police are taught to expect the 
worst outcome—and take precautions 
in order to prevent becoming another statistic.
 The idea of a “war on cops” confirms this mindset. Emotional imagery and war stories are more compelling than statistics. Joe Cop becomes even more afraid. He is afraid of people who keep their hands in their pockets; he is wary of people who get too close or videotape him or want to shake hands. Everyone is a potential assailant. When one adds race and unconscious prejudices into the mix, the issues become even more complex. Implicit bias affects both civilians and law enforcement professionals—although civilians are presumably not as emboldened to act upon it in potentially lethal ways. As noted by New York University psychologist David Amodio in 2010: “Recent research in social neuroscience has revealed that prejudiced reactions are linked to rapidly activated structures in the brain—parts of the brain associated with fear and disgust, likely developed long ago in our evolutionary history.” The good news is that training has been shown to help counteract these biases. The bad news is that not all officers will get it. Indeed, a new study conducted by researchers at Harvard University suggests that black men and women are treated differently during police encounters, although the study did not find a significant bias when it came to shootings.
 Cops doesn’t fear the statistical 
improbability of being ambushed. 
They fear the finality of the consequences.
All of this information is difficult to parse for the average layman. So it’s not surprising that police, too, would have difficulty navigating all the data and statistics measuring how safe or dangerous his career is. But does it matter? Joe doesn’t fear the statistical improbability of being ambushed. He fears the finality of the consequences: death.
As a police officer myself, I understand how hard it can be to see my job as a calculable risk management problem, where frequency and importance are weighed objectively. And to be fair, much of policing is subjective. There are few instances in which binary decisions can be applied.
Simply out, police training in America is in dire need of an overhaul. Too many departments still ignore emotional intelligence and behavioral analysis aspects of threat recognition. We need implicit bias training and community outreach. Our training spends too much time and effort on the “exceptions,” and not enough on the “rules.” Police training should emphasize slow-down strategies and tactics that allow for police officers’ critical thinking skills to complement, and, if necessary, override, emotions like fear or prejudice. Above all, we need to adopt evidence-based risk
management modeling that will appropriately train our officers to be aware, prepared, and ready, instead of using biased, anecdotal war-storytelling methods that–unintentionally or not–create an
us-or-them mentality.
Even in 2016, a police officer’s chances of being violently attacked or murdered are statistically very low. But in the battle between fact and fear, fear seems to be winning.

Monday, July 11, 2016

"Hustlers - Cruise Video 2014-2015 'C-2A Greyhound' COD VRC-30 Providers"

Published on Jul 21, 2015-

The 'Hustlers' of VRC-30 DET ONE completed the longest scheduled deployment since Vietnam between 2014 and 2015. This video demonstrates combat logistics at its finest. From cargo and passengers to the occasional distinguished visitor; COD guys and gals move it all with the workhorse of the fleet, the C-2A Greyhound, ensuring victory at sea through logistics. Thanks for watching!

Friday, July 1, 2016

Powerful US B-52 Bomber Escorted by Massive Formation Flight : Eurofigh...

 Published on Jun 15, 2016 -

 US Boeing B-52 Stratofortress escorted by US and Polish Air force F-16, Swedish Saab JAS 39 Gripen, German Eurofighter Typhoon and refuelled by US Boeing KC-135 Stratotanker from 434th Air Refueling Wing.

Videos Credit: Senior Airman Gabriel Stuart, Senior Airman Erin Babis.

Thumbnail credit: Doomych from wikipedia.

Monday, June 13, 2016

William posted an update on "Help A Vet Get Knee Replacement!"

Hi there A new update has been posted to Help A Vet Get Knee Replacement! I've been on this mission for a year and a half now. My height has decreased by a 1/4 inch as the bones in my knees slowly get worn down. I still need help with this, as it...
Hi there, I posted an update on
Help A Vet Get Knee Replacement!
I've been on this mission for a year and a half now. My height has decreased by a 1/4 inch as the bones in my knees slowly get worn down. I still need help with this, as it...
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Monday, May 23, 2016

The oily truth about Exxon's lies!

ell Exxon to come clean and leave ALEC!

is the biggest threat to bold action on climate change.

Stork with bundle of Exxon money

Exxon and other oil companies pay the same PR firms and right wing front groups that helped tobacco companies lie about the risks of smoking.

Tobacco and oil lobbyist are one and the same.

Pulitzer Prize-nominated reporting shows that Exxon has known that burning oil and gas causes catastrophic climate change as far back as 1977. has a time window of five to ten years before the need for hard decisions regarding changes in energy strategies might become critical.

But by the 1990s, Exxon had instead started funding climate disinformation at a massive scale.

All designed to spread confusion about the urgency of climate change and keep their profits high.

Three states (and counting) are investigating Exxon for misleading shareholders about the risks of climate change.

So now Exxon acknowledges human-caused climate change and even claims to support a carbon tax."

In the Los Angeles Times, Exxon wrote that they support a carbon tax.

But in reality, Exxon is quietly blocking progress. The company remains a major funder of denial-promoting groups, including the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC).

ALEC opposes a carbon tax and misinforms state lawmakers about climate change. But without Exxon's funding, ALEC would lose influence fast.

Come clean and leave ALEC.

Producing carbon emissions is dangerous. But Exxon is producing something else just as dangerous: climate change denial.

Denial is slowing our transition to cleaner energy and harming vulnerable communities.

Exxon continues to spend $27 million a year to spread denial and block climate action.

All eyes will be on Exxon at its annual shareholder meeting in Dallas on May 25, so we need to act fast.

Tell Exxon to come clean and leave the denial-promoting American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC).

Truthfully yours,

Elizabeth, and Emily


"Exxon: The Road Not Taken," InsideClimate News, 09-16-2015

"CMD Submits Evidence of Exxon Mobil Funding ALEC's Climate Change Denial to New York Attorney General," Center for Media and Democracy, 11-17-2015

"Despite what divestment activists say, ExxonMobil is searching for climate solutions," Los Angeles Times, 03-14-2016

"Climate Lobbying by the Fossil Fuel Sector,", April 2016 fights the denial, distortion and disinformation that block bold action on climate change. You can follow us on Twitter, and like us on Facebook. Help us end climate denial once and for all by contributing here.


Monday, December 28, 2015

William posted an update on "Help A Vet Get Knee Replacement!"

Hi there A new update has been posted to Help A Vet Get Knee Replacement! Well, it's 3 days after Christmas, of which we all know the true meaning, and I'm at 9.16% of the way toward the Goal! Thanks to all who supported me this year, and looki...
Hi there, I posted an update on
Help A Vet Get Knee Replacement!
Well, it's 3 days after Christmas, of which we all know the true meaning, and I'm at 9.16% of the way toward the Goal! Thanks to all who supported me this year, and looki...
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