Monday, November 17, 2014

Without Wolves: Why We Would All be Impoverished by the Loss of Wolves

We've made a short film about why wolves are so important to the landscape, and to all of us. The Fish and Wildlife Service's proposal to remove the grey wolf from the list of endangered species has us howlin' mad. Please take a few moments to watch the film, share with your friends and family and take action to help save wolves from extinction.

Without the protections of the Endangered Species Act (ESA) wolves will be back in the crosshairs, subject to hunter's traps, guns, and bows and to Wildlife Services' poisons. Just last Saturday a two-year old female Yellowstone wolf wandered out of the safety of the Park and was shot and killed. This tragedy will happen over and over again across the West if Secretary Jewell removes critical protections for wolves.

As our film explains, wolves are critical ecological forces on the landscape, but they have only returned to 5% of their historic range. The job of wolf recovery is simply not done. Take action today to ensure these beautiful iconic animals are returned to ecosystems across our country where they are needed and where they belong.

Please visit

Special thanks to filmmaker Trip Jennings,, for shooting, editing and producing the film, musician Nathaniel Talbot for granting us his lovely songs, and photographer Ray Rafiti for his beautiful images.

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