Saturday, May 31, 2014

Pictures from Wyoming - Bison, Elk, Mountains and Kendrick Park, and Buddy de Cat! Part - 3

Part – 3:
Some kids on Field trip to park at Ice Cream stand in the park.
Another bridge across the creek. The park is behind me. Those a new homes built recently across the bridge.
Buddy de Cat!
Chain-saw wood carving of old dead tree. There are a few throughout the park.
Band-shell in the park. To the left and behind of where the band-shell is we have tennis and basketball
Courts, and the community swimming pool. To the right and behind it is the part of the park where
All the elk and bison are located. You can also circle around the park when you leave, and get to the
top of the hill, and that's where I shoot many of my elk and bison pictures.
The elk and bison are loosing their winter coats.
Something is photo-bombing this picture---can you see him?

Pictures from Wyoming - Bison, Mountains and Kendrick Park, and my Apartment! Part - 2

Part II -
Bison at Kendrick Park.
The WYO Theatre. It's where they have plays, concerts, musical acts, etc. It's on Main Street. 1 1/2 blocks from where I live.
Where I live. My apartment is on other side, 4th floor. This place is for seniors and/or disabled (Some who are not seniors).
Sheridan Square Apartments, looking from Kendrick Park walking path bridge.
City Greenway Trail Bridge over Little Goose Creek. The park is behind me. Trail runs throughout the entire city, a lot of it along the creek.
Kendrick Park.
My apartment from Trail Bridge, looking east. Little Goose Creek is running high because of snow melt in mountains.
Little Goose Creek.
Newfoundland. He was with his own in secluded section of park, relaxing in the shade. Pretty big dog.

Pictures from Wyoming - Elk, Bison, Mountains and Buddy De Cat! Part - 1

Howdy Earthlings,,
Here are some pictures from Wyoming. They've been taken since I got back home at the beginning of April 2014.